01225 650190

01225 650190

Showroom open Monday – Friday 9am – 1pm or by appointment.

Hard water can harm our skin’s protective barrier and could trigger the onset of eczema.

Ezema costs the NHS £500 million annually, affecting 20% of children and 8% of adults. Water softeners provide a simple solution to better skin health.

The Problem:

Research conducted by Kings College London and the University of Sheffield has uncovered the direct correlation between exposure to hard water and skin sensitivity. Researchers discovered that the effects of such exposure includes damage to the skin’s barrier and heightened skin sensitivity to irritants found in washing powders and soaps. The main author of the study, Dr Simon Danby, explains:

Washing with hard water may contribute to the development of eczema – a chronic skin condition characterised by an intensely itchy red rash. Patients with eczema are much more sensitive to the effects of hard water than people with healthy skin.

Hard water contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, which make it highly alkaline. This alkalinity raises the pH level of the skin (which is normally acidic), disturbing the skin’s natural role as a barrier and leaving it susceptible to bacteria and infection.

Our skin is most vulnerable at the start of life and therefore babies and young children are most at risk of developing painfully sensitive skin and eczema.

The Solution:

Water softeners provide a simple solution to the problem of hard water. When water flows through a softening system, the calcium and magnesium ions that cause skin irritation are trapped by millions of microscopic resin beads and exchanged for sodium or potassium (salt) ions.The calcium and magnesium are washed harmlessly away.